2012年12月25日 星期二

A Special Christmas

     Christmas is around the corner, so Yvonne came up with an interesting game called"the angel and the master". In the game, everyone will pick a master and be his or her angel. During this period of time, we have to try our utmost to treat our masters know who we are. Not until Christmas will we reveal our true identities to them.

     I think this game is a really good game, when it comes to getting know someone better.Since we are not allowed to decide who our masters are, we are given a chance to treat others well. By stepping forward to others is a first step toward cultivating a new friendship.

     Last but not least, I hope everyone have a nice Christmas and a happy new year.

2012年12月20日 星期四

The End of the World Today?

     According to the Mayan calendar, today should be the doomsday. However, I remembered there was an announcement declared in 2011 suggesting that it is just the cycle of the Mayan calendar. Like that of the Chinese calendar, which will make a cycle every sixty years. I believe in this kind of explanation. Despite my own point of view, it is still intriguing to think about what will you do if today is the end of the world. Will you spend more time with your beloved parents and friends? Will you do everything according to your will and forget about the consequences?Recently, a lot of people are talking about this subject. I'm quite curious about your answer, Wendy.
     In addition, there are students joking around saying they will definitely throw away all there homework and textbooks. However, I can't help wondering what if that day is not the end of the world. It may as well be the end of the world for them. I guess to them, maybe the end of the world is the a way of escaping from the monotonous life.

2012年12月9日 星期日

A Shocking News to Me

     Although the news had happened about two months ago, I cannot but give some thoughts to what lies behind this shocking and terrible news. The news was about a girl named Amanda Todd, who committed suicide due to the serious bullying incidents happened at school. Amanda Todd had always been the target of the bullying incidents at school. Some say that's because of her learning problems which cause her overall horrible academic performances. However, after watching a youtube video about Amanda Todd showing papers about how she was bullied, I think it's because she made some bad friends at school. Those friends took her to take some revealing photos and later on expose them on the Internet. In this situation, no matter where she transferred to, students from that school will still get access to her pictures.

     This incident bring to light the terrible consequences of bullying. I believe that bullying does require the school authorities to take part in dealing with the problems. In some cases, I think it is not the bully itself that cause the big problem but the ignorance of all the others. However, how to make other poeple stand out for the weak and still protect their safety at the same time is the important issue for the authorities to tackle.

2012年12月4日 星期二

My favorite TV show

     My favorite TV show is Glee, for it contains a lot of popular songs and intriguing plots. Unlike most TV shows that are being too much exaggerated, Glee shows deal with issues that may happen to all of us. Such as being racially discriminated or having trouble with body appearance, which are both problems most teenagers are faced with. It somehow educates us to hold a positive attitude toward the obstacles we are facing. In addition, it is also kind of like the musical TV shows. However, the show will mix up several popular songs to recreate them. Instead of playing those overplayed songs, the show gives its viewers a new insight into music.

     I have been watching Glee from season one to season three. Recently, they are producing season four. In addition to the plot, the actors and actresses are all pretty good-looking. I guess this point adds my interests to watch the show. Besides that, Glee is also the TV show Mona played in our class.

2012年11月27日 星期二

My new thoughts about philosophy

     The English oral class totally changes my attitude toward the concept of philosophy, it also broadens my horizons. I have never thought of combining quick mental tests with the seemingly serious topic. It is a really interesting class, as I rack my brain to think of all the proper reactions to some situation. For example, would you choose to save one people and sacrifice the other five? We also discuss about the one person most people would choose to sacrifice. What if he or she is one of our family members? Those are the questions that require critical thinking. Sometimes, moral standards are much more complicated than what is thought on our textbooks.

     In addition, I have a really confusing situation in my mind. My parents have a wish to be buried in the sea. However, I think by buring them in the sea or burn thier bodies, I will have no where to go if I really miss them. Often when I think of these sensible situations, my heart will be overwhelmed by a tremendous sense of grief. Therefore, even until today, I can hardly think of anything related to the death, especially people I have known. Though I know death is part of the inevitable path of life, I guess I still have a big problem dealing with it.

2012年11月13日 星期二

My hustle and bustle life

     Recently, my schedule has been filled up by tons of presentations and tests. Since my life is in such a huge mess now, I think I totally lost my directions. I used to be a person who always follows the schedule, but I find it hard to keep track of it now. What's worse, I even got a bad cold that kept me coughing a lot, and it was as if I almost cough my lung out.

     Even though some people think keeping oneself busy is a good way to forget unhappy incidents, I have an utterly different view. Living in a busy life, I miss my family members and home even worse. I think it is because of the fast-paced life I have already accustomed to. Not until I arrived at the Taipei MRT station, did I see people running to catch up on the latest train. As soon as I saw the scene, tears almost rolled down my cheeks. To me, this is my hometown and also a place I belong to.

     Despite all of the obstacles I'm faced with, I believe I can conquer all of them with a determined heart and the encouragements from my friends.

Last but not least, I hope everyone will do well on your exams and pass them.  

2012年11月4日 星期日

The most famous holiday in my hometown

       One of the most famous holidays in my hometown is the National Day. This day is important not only to my  hometown but to all the people in Taiwan. Taiwan's National Day, on October tenth, is the day when Sun Yat-sen led the revolutionists to overthrow the corrupted Qing Dynasty. What's more, Sun Yat-sen didn't succeed on his first rebel against Qing Dynasty, instead he succeeded on his eleventh rebel. He represented how Taiwanese could be when it comes to making contributions to Taiwan.

        On the National Day, people gather together with their families and watch splendid fireworks held every year. In addition, people use flags to decorate trees and some sideways. However, every year while I was about to hang up the flag, I cannot but feel sad about the history of Taiwan. As the red color on the flag symbolizes the blood and sacrifices of the revolutionists. Despite of the miserable history of Taiwan, the National Day brings out the solidarity and true spirits of Taiwanese people.

2012年10月30日 星期二

My Embarrassing Day

         On Monday, something very hilarious yet embarrassing happened to me. It happened on my physical education class, and I chose table tennis for my physical education. The table tennis teacher demonstrated a new method to start a ball. It supposed to be very useful and fulfilling to me, but it turned out to be a chance that I made a spectacle of myself.

        We were asked by our teacher to stand in line and wait until it was my turn to hit the ball. Once it was my turn, I took a deep breath and started swinging my paddle. However, I found myself having a big trouble hitting the ball. Every time I swing my paddle, all I hit is a bunch of air. Therefore, I decided to stand in the back of the line so that I won't delay other students' practicing time. Little did I know, the teacher said, " It doesn't matter. With lots of practice, I believe that someday you will hit the ball." What he said was pretty encouraging, but when he said that in front the face of my other classmate, it turned out to be utterly embarrassing. At that very moment, I wish I could just dig a hole and hide in it. That day was really embarrassing to me.

2012年10月22日 星期一

An interesting course

      Since the beginning of this semester, I have always wanted to share with every one about an interesting course I took. It's called "The ability to do effective communication". Even though the course itself doesn't have a really fancy and attractive name, I find it quite useful and intriguing. Every class, the teacher demonstrates some methods to enhance our abilities to communicate more efficiently. He sometimes shows us how to react when we are late for date, having an affair, or even breakups. These are all the segments of our everyday life as a college students.

        I must admit that I derive great happiness and benefits from the course. I feel really lucky to learn and have fun in class, due to some of the hilarious  demonstrations made by my classmates and the teacher. Therefore, I strongly recommend those who are shy and socially-awkward to take this course.

2012年10月9日 星期二

My Recent Trip

         I had a really fulfilling summer vacation this year, for I took a trip with my family. My cousins went back from America to visit my part of the world. Since they don't come back very often, the trip becomes rather meaningful to me. Not only did I get to spend more time with my cousins, I also sharpened up my English communication skills simply by helping them translate Chinese into English.

        During the trip, I took my cousins to many tourists attractions in Taiwan. We stopped by Danshuei to taste the 15-centimeter ice-cream and oily bean curd; we also got good bargains at the Wufenpu and came home with lots of shopping bags. To make my cousins feel the warmth and hospitality of the Taiwanese, we decided to bring them to the night markets. They really had a great time digging in the delicate Taiwanese cuisine but food was not what caught their eyes. What caught their eyes was one of the game stands in Keelung night market which is related to the world famous angry bird. In the game, we were required to shoot the stuffed angry birds to hit the pigs in order to get the prize. Although my cousins didn't win the first price, they did win two stuffed angry birds. On the last day of the trip, we took them to white water rafting. Since our family excelled at white water rafting, we were way ahead of all the other rafters.

        As the trip drew to the close, I bid farewell to my cousins. I hope that in the near future I can visit USA again, and reunite with my cousins.

2012年10月2日 星期二

What I discovered in college

     As soon as I entered the gate of my college, I discovered something extremely different from high school. The first thing that caught my eyes was the broad campus which seemed to have no end. Later on, I found out that I could be my own boss in nearly everything in college. I could decide which course to take and pay visit to the school library as long as I didn’t have class. In addition, I got my once-in-a-life-time chance to explore college life and take part in various extracurricular activities. Above all, attending college expands my knowledge, broadens my horizons and makes me understand the great importance of time management.